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Fiesta Application Now Open

Fiesta Application Now Open

Club Admin14 Jan 2019 - 15:30

2019’s Six-a-Side Football Fiesta booking is now open! [Application form available to download below!]

Rusthall Football Club are once again hosting a six a-side tournament, this years event takes place on the weekend of 25th/26th May 2019 and we would like to personally invite your club to participate in one or more of the following age groups.

Saturday 25th May AM - Under 7’s & Under 9’s - PM– Under 11’s, Under 13’s and Under 15’s

Sunday 26th May AM - Under 8’s - Under 10’s - PM Under 12’s and Under 14’s

Qualifications for each age group, is based on the age of the individual at 31st August 2018. For example under 13 - the player must be under the age of 13 as at midnight on 31st August in the playing season. There will be no call to provide a list of player’s names and evidence to support player’s accredited age. To attempt to resolve any issue like this would take the time up of Rusthall organisers that would be better spent ensuring the smooth running of the tournament and causes a degree of friction between the two clubs in question which is detrimental to the ethos behind this particular tournament. We trust that all will be in accord with these sentiments and give full co-operation in complying with this age regulation. However, if a team is found to be playing a player who is too old the team will be excluded from the competition. Players need NOT be registered with the participating club as this affords the managers the opportunity of “blooding” new players for the 2019-20 season. Each side can have no more than 9 players per squad.

Invites have been extended to clubs throughout the South East to afford the opportunity of competing against “fresh” faces and establishing new contacts/friendships. If you know of an established or newly formed club that would be interested in entering the Fiesta, please can you be kind enough to extend an invitation on our behalf and append the details on your entry form. Subject to the number of participants the intent is to operate each age group competition on a straight league basis, each team playing the opposition once.
A minimum of 8 pitches will be utilised throughout each day’s competition, which subjects teams to a minimum delay between matches. In addition, where several pitches are in use for the same age group, every effort will be made to ensure that they are adjacent and hence assist managers to assemble their teams in readiness to commence the next game at the scheduled time. All pitches will be numbered by the use of marker boards. Referee’s are assigned to a specific pitch and will officiate matches in accordance with the schedule applicable to same, ie there will be no attempt to synchronise kick off times from a central point, as this would precipitate unnecessary delays to proceedings. Team managers will be provided with a fixture list, score sheet and full rules governing match play when they register for their particular competition. The start/end times for each competition, number of games, format etc, will be conveyed by post/email at least two weeks prior to the date of the tournament.

Completed applications should be sent to Rusthall FC, Jockey Farm, Nellington Road, Rusthall, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN4 8SH, if you would like any more details please contact me on

Kindest regards

Dave Rusbridge
Vice –Chairman, Rusthall Football Club

Further reading